Train Home

Sometimes I think I'm a photographer.
Sometimes I think I'm a good student.
Sometimes I think I'm a advertiser.
Sometimes I think I'm a poet. And write depressing things such as "being depressed is when you get used to being sad".
Sometimes I think I'm a good person. A good friend. A good Friday night.
But most of the time I'm not a perfect any-of-these-things.
I'm just someone standing on the platform. And when I see the train's light and I think that it's coming, actually, it's already going away.
So, don't keep standing on the platform. Jump onto the train. Live the now. And don't expect anything.
Stop looking into the past. Stop trying to draw the future. And be surprised by it! And live that moment as if it was your last (well, you never know...)
And once again, don't expect anything.
Don't expect that promises are going to be fulfilled. But be happy when they are.
Because friendship is made of promises - unspoken promises.
And it's really terrible if you can trust no one...
Sometimes I think I'm standing on the platform. But I'm just sleeping on the train home.
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